The two top titles on my TBR this month both, intriguingly, involve the word BREAK in some form. With my own preferences clearly showing, both are contemporary, stand-alone YAs that involve words–in one case, poetry, in
My assistant wearing glasses.No particular correlation to the text.But, yes, he’s adorableas is the teen boy holding him! A sudden change of plans opens up three extra hours in your afternoon. You sit down at your
You read that right–I’m hopping with happiness because I’ve just returned from a marvelous evening at Third Place Books where a jam-packed crowd celebrated the publication of Kevan Atteberry’s BUNNIES! It was one of those magical
Did you get any reading or writing done this weekend? Cook any good meals? Take a nice walk? I’ve been struggling lately with THE MEANING OF LIFE and all that jazz. I think it’s something that
Follow my blog with Bloglovin After much gnashing of teeth, I have decided to consolidate my “Writer on the Side” blog, which I began years before I sold my first novel, with my author website. Now, here