The internet waited for me through our second summer of the pandemic. But at last I’ve begun some virtual housekeeping. Renewing memberships, fixing broken links, adding dates to the shared family calendar. And writing my first
Tag: mystery

I’m proud to say that my list of March 2021 reads is long. Or am I? Sometimes I find myself reading for days at a time, searching for answers to some thorny writing question like… How

I’m delighted to share some recent Audible favorites. My audiobook obsession dates to 2017 when a new job introduced an epic commute to my life. Anthony Hurwitz, Kendare Blake, Kristen Simmons, and Alan Bradley novels carried

One positive thing has happened during this first frightful pandemic month of 2021. I find myself able to read again. I mean, really read. Focus on pages, stick with a novel from chapter to chapter, finish

Okay, team, truth is I have an EPIC commute. Between my Seattle office, my son’s middle school and my off-a-windy-road home, I spend a minimum of three hours in my car every day. What’s a girl

I am so excited to read the final book in Romily Bernard’s thrilling Find Me trilogy! If you fancy fabulous YA novels with puzzle-istic covers, here are a few more to try:

The EDGARS got it right in the YA category this year. Congratulations to all the nominees but an especial virtual cheer for these two novels about “mad” girls confined–one contemporary, one historical, and both fabulous! THE