As 2016 approaches (and just as I’ve sent a completed ms to my agent), I am preparing for a new year of writing. I’ve got an interesting but challenging story idea that feels like it might need a new form–possibly a new writing strategy. Thus far, I have tended toward the “pantser” (writing in the flow of the character, without an outline) school of writing, but there are world-building and thriller elements in this new story that might benefit from a more “plotter” (planning, via some form of outline, before you begin to write) approach. So, I’m starting my writing year by reading some craft books.

If reading about writing sounds like a good idea, or if you, too, are looking to branch out in terms of your novel-building approach, here are a few suggestions.

For PANTSERS seeking plotting guidance:

For PLOTTERS looking to loosen up on the outlines:

For FIRST-TIME NOVELISTS planning a “write that book” resolution:

For MID-CAREER WRITERS struggling with the winter doldrums:

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