It’s College Application Time: Why did you choose your reach, match and safety schools?

That it is important to begin the
application process by properly identifying your target schools seems like an absurdly
obvious point. However, a key opportunity that is missed by not fully
understanding the WHY of this protocol. Despite the ease of clicking around Big Future, College Confidential and other websites, the college search
should be much more than a computer game in which you overlay your grades and test scores over a rubric of
college acceptance rates and parameters, and perhaps a few other factors
such as geography, size, and Greek life. In fact…
I will demonstrate why by first asking you to complete this worksheet:
Having difficulty? Here are some examples of good and bad answers:

chose this school because…

is a cool or famous university. My best friend/girlfriend is applying/attending.
I have seen it. It is near my house.

While not necessarily untrue, are these answers getting you or the desired institution any closer together? No. Are they good
reasons to apply to a university? Probably not.

Consider these GOOD ANSWERS: It has a great undergraduate writing/biology/business program.
Professor X teaches there and I’ve read all her books. I attended a summer
program there AND enjoyed Y about it. It offers both X program and Y activity.

As you continue completing the worksheet, avoid citing your GPA or test scores, commute times, or the fact that you googled “business schools in
Alabama” and got this one. Try instead for specific answers related to how a school can
support your planned course of study, extracurricular/community objectives, and
long-term career plans. Find an honest reason you would “enjoy attending”
even your safety schools. Otherwise, this process can kind of like walking a plank.

AFTER you have honestly completed the worksheet to the
best of your ability, ask yourself:
  • Are
    there any similarities between the schools I am choosing (e.g.,
    strong Spanish departments, BS/MS Engineering options, fantastic school
    newspapers, ten a capella groups)?
  • Am
    I using the same type of language across many of the explanations about why I
    would be a good fit or enjoy attending (e.g., I have student leadership
    experience or I would like to continue tutoring kids through your college’s
    terrific outreach program)?
  •  For
    the reach schools, would you like to follow through on the steps that might
    enhance your application? Why did you list this as a reach school in the first place?
  • Do
    I honestly believe I would be a good fit for every college on this list? Does
    each of these schools truly belong on my application list?

Now, circle the name of the college that you feel is the most natural fit for you (it may be a reach, a match
or even a safety school). Write a one paragraph letter to someone important in
your life (a parent, friend, girlfriend, mentor) explaining why you want to
attend this school.

Somewhere in that paragraph, there is likely the germ
of an idea for your Common App essay. And you haven’t even looked at the prompt options yet! DON’T, by the way. I’ll tell you why in a coming post.

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