Let’s Begin 2019 Without Resolutions — or Reservations

Here’s to a year without excuses. Yes, let’s begin 2019 without resolutions — or reservations! Write the words, hit the gym, take the class, say YES to your dreams. When you feel weary, walk. When you feel despair, write. Surprise yourself…and stop apologizing.
If you find yourself too withdrawn from the world in pursuit of your writing dreams, take a breath and try again. Reach out to your friends, cherish and support them. It’s all right to ask for help. Those who truly understand will still be there, will understand. Will dream with you.
Here’s to a year of forgiving yourself for the undone laundry and the sub-par suppers. Model for your family a person in motion, a force of will. Creativity matters. Ironing does not.
Don’t just admire the view — write about it: A winter’s promise, bright and blue. A blank white page, inspired, new. A gift awaits in words from you.

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